Suppose the Universe began on January 1st and its lifetime fitted into one year. Students and viewers are invited to ‘guesstimate’ when in the year the key events might have occurred.
This video compares explanations of creation from science and religious perspectives. Students share their ideas on how ideas in science and religion may fit together.
Dr Jennifer Wiseman, astronomer, answers students’ questions and explains why she thinks science and religion can both contribute to an …
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With contributions from physicist Professor Jim Al-Khalili and astronomer Dr Jennifer Wiseman, this video explores the strength of Big Bang as a theory and explains some of the physics behind the theory.
How scientists have estimated the age of the Universe is explained, based on …
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Geologist, Denise Balmer demonstrates to students, with the help of plasticine ‘fossil’ layers how ammonites have evolved and changed over time.
She explains how geologists are able to use the distinct evolutionary stages of ammonites as indicators of the age of rock formations around the …
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Does the existence of an all-knowing God rule out human free will? John Bryant responds to this question posed by a student, by asserting that yes, God has allowed us to choose how to behave.
He bases his assertion on all the evidence we have …
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Students ask biologist, Professor John Bryant, where he considers the soul or spirit of a human to be.
He suggests that the soul is, in a sense, a quality rather than a thing and can no more be located within the person than the mind …
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When can we say that a developing organism is a person? Biologist, Professor John Bryant says it is a mistake to try to pinpoint a moment.
He talks about significant points in human development, but suggests that even a newborn baby is not a fully-fledged …
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Dr Denis Alexander, Biologist and Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, talks about four stances in relation to Creation and Evolution.
What kind of God can you believe in if you are a scientist?
Where does God fit in? Professor Sir Colin Humphreys talks about how he believes that God not only created the universe through Big Bang, but is all the time active within it; …
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Paul Hopkins discusses the nature of the creation story. Students read and comment on a formal statement and a poem in terms of the kind of language that is used.
Dr Ard Louis, Physicist, talks about his view of scriptures and the kinds of truth …
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