Different subjects – Different questions
Asking Appropriate Questions
Most of the subjects you study at school are concerned with different types of questions. In History, the aim is to see what can be learnt by studying the past. Historians are interested to know (for example) what factors seem to lead to wars and how in some cases, wars were averted.
When a historian is working on an idea – he or she develops a case by referring to historical sources such as letters, diaries, photographs … even a tapestry might be considered important.
Questions in Religion
What kinds of questions does religion address?
Religion looks at a range of questions including questions about purpose and meaning and how people should live. Some of the questions are very personal, such as, ‘What is the purpose of my life?’. The methods used in religion to find answers vary. Unlike private faith, religions are organised and often have scholars who study religious texts and also make historical enquiries to decide what the answers to some questions should be. People who practise a religion sometimes feel that prayer helps them to find answers to some of their questions.
Do science and religion conflict?
The question of whether science and religion conflict depends on what you think science says and what you think religion says. There are many scientists who do not believe in God. There are others who have a religious faith.
The view of one scientist
Professor Sir Colin Humphreys is a Christian and a scientist. For many years he has worked at Cambridge University, leading a team of scientists who are interested in making new kinds of materials. Professor Humphreys was knighted in 2010 for Services to Science. In this video he explains why he believes in God.