SRSP 16-19 Topic 3 Unit 1b – The 19th Century


During the 19th century, evolutionary ideas of the natural world were further developed and gradually replaced static concepts. Christian responses arising from Natural Theology were challenged by a range of thinkers, some agnostic, some atheistic and some deistic. Not all Christian thinkers were impressed by Paley’s argument.

Amongst the many major scientific inputs to the debate were those which arose from new discoveries and theories in Geology and Biology (Theory of Evolution; Charles Lyell; Charles Darwin) apparently challenging the status of scripture, particularly the Genesis story and the need for a God to account for the origin of the species. The conflict between the Sciences and Religion increased especially through the input of the ‘professionalisers’ such as Thomas H Huxley who wished to raise the status and authority of the scientist above that of the clergy, especially in the context of education. Other scientists such as Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell and Lord Kelvin argued for a complementary approach to Science and Religion and showed it was possible to be both a professional scientist and a committed Christian.

The 20th century developments in both the sciences and in religion cannot be fully understood without an awareness of the discoveries and debates in the 19th century.

This unit consists of 5 lessons and is suitable for students aged from 16 to 19 years


Key Questions

  • Where do dinosaurs come from?
  • What can fossils tell us about the development of life on earth and of humans in particular?
  • Are we related to the lower forms of life?
  • What are the implications of ‘survival of the fittest’ for society?
  • To what extent can the Bible be an inspiration for scientists?
  • What, if anything can we learn from the Genesis creation narrative?

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Unit Resources

Unit Overview (Word)


Lesson 1

Lesson Plan: The Victorian Age (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 8: From Revelation to Reason (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 8[LA]: From Revelation to Reason (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 3: Evolution and Creationism (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 3[LA]: Evolution and Creationism (Word)

Student Resource 2: Genesis: The story of creation (Word)


Lesson 2

Lesson Plan: Charles Darwin, Evolution and Religion (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 1: What is Evolution? (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 1[LA]: What is Evolution? (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 3: Evolution and Creationism (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 3[LA]: Evolution and Creationism (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 4 Can evolution and creationism be compatible? (Word)

Resource from 4c: Student Resource 4[LA] Can evolution and creationism be compatible? (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 8: From Revelation to Reason (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 8[LA]: From Revelation to Reason (Word)

Student Resource 2: Genesis: The story of creation (Word)


Lesson 3

Lesson Plan: Michael Faraday, Electromagnetism and Religion (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 6: Michael Faraday (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 6[LA]: Michael Faraday (Word)

Student Resource 3: The Word of God (Word)

Student Resource 5: Electromagnetism (Word)


Lesson 4

Lesson Plan: Michael Faraday, Electromagnetism and Religion (Word)

Student Resource 4: The words of Lord Kelvin (Word)

Student Resource 5: Electromagnetism (Word)

Student Resource 6: Lord Kelvin (Word)

Student Resource 6[LA]: Lord Kelvin (Word)

Student Resource 7: Physics in the 1800’s (Word)

Student Resource 7[LA]: Physics in the 1800’s (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 1: The Age of Reason (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 3: From Miracles to Mechanism (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 8: From Revelation to Reason (Word)

Resource from 3a: Student Resource 8[LA]: From Revelation to Reason (Word)


Lesson 5

Lesson Plan: Moses and the Smitten Rock (Word)

Student Resource 1: Exodus 17; Moses and the Smitten Rock (Word)

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