SRSP 16-19 Topic 5 Unit 1b – A Christian Perspective
Before looking at the detailed issues it is important to correct some misunderstandings. Many pupils will already have their own preconceptions. The media often gives a stereotypical view of scientists and Christians and an over-simplified and often distorted view of the relationship between science and Christianity. The first lesson should be concerned to set the debate between science and Christianity in its correct historical context.
Scientists are often portrayed as absent-minded professors or individuals driven by curiosity rather than morality. By contrast Christians are often seen as emotional and idealistic who believe impossible things without question. Science is seen as providing universal knowledge by objective experimentation and is based on evidence. Christianity, however, is often perceived as merely providing comfort and is based on faith, which is often considered by its critics as little more than credulity.
This unit does not consist of lesson plans as such (other than two: Christian Views on the Environment and Miracles). Instead it is a series of overviews from which teachers will be able to draw up their own lessons.
Key Questions
- How are scientists and religious people often portrayed?
- Is there difference between Christian and scientific perceptions of the world? If so what?
- Are science and religion in conflict?
- Does science owe a debt to Christianity?
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Unit Resources
Background Notes 1 The Christian View of Man and its Implication for Science (Word)
Background Notes 2 Dominion, Domination, the Fall and the Problem of Evil (Word)
Background Notes 3 The Christian Doctrine of God – Existence and Nature (Word)
Background Notes 4 The Miraculous in Christianity and in Science (Word)
An Interview with Michael Poole
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An Interview with Arthur Peacock
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Lesson 1
Lesson Plan: A look at miracles (Word)
Resource 3: From Miracles to Mechanism (Word)
Resource 3 [LA]: From Miracles to Mechanism (Word)
Resource 4: Hume’s Critique of Miracles (Word)
Resource 4 [LA]: Hume’s Critique of Miracles (Word)
Video interview with Petra Owen
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Lesson 2
Lesson Plan: Christian views of the Environment (Word)
Resource 19: Environment Dossier (PDF)
Resource 20: Christian Environmental Groups: Research Task (Word)