SRSP 7-11 Unit 3 Are we nothing but…?


Are we nothing but the parts we are made of?

An important aspect of the science and religion debate centres upon reductionism – reducing whole objects or systems to the parts they are composed of, in order to understand the whole more completely.

This unit first examines the usefulness of such an activity in science and then goes on to consider its validity in other aspects of human activity and thought.

Pupils develop and apply critical thinking skills and are encouraged to express their own reasoned opinions.

This unit consists of four lessons and is suitable for pupils aged from 7-9 years old [lessons 1 and 2] and 9-11 years old [lessons 3 and 4].

Key Questions

  • How does it work?
  • What is the whole picture?
  • Are we nothing but the parts we are made of?
  • Just what is a human?

Some of the materials can be viewed on screen and some can be downloaded for editing or printing. To view the pdf files you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, to listen to the AV files you need to have the Quicktime plugin. See the about section for more details.

Unit Resources

Unit Proforma and links to RE and science curricula (Word)

Unit Proforma and links to RE and science curricula (PDF)


Lesson 1

Lesson Plan (Word)

Pupil Resource Sheet 1: Mixed Messages (Word)

Pupil Resource Sheet 2: Dissection (Word)

Pupil Work Sheet 1: Take it apart / build it up (Word)

Pupil Work Sheet 2: The sum of its parts (Word)


Lesson 2

Lesson Plan (Word)

Pupil Resource Sheet 1: Excs and Wei (Word)

Excs and Wei Audio Click to listen, if you’d like to download this audio, right click on the link and select “Save link as”

Pupil Work Sheet 1: Why paint? (Word)


Lesson 3

Lesson Plan (Word)

Pupil Resource Sheet 1: What is a human? (Word)

Pupil Resource Sheet 2: The pen pal (Word)

Support images for lesson 3 (Click to enlarge)


Lesson 4

Lesson Plan (Word)

Pupil Resource Sheet 1: Just what is a human? (Word)

Pupil Work Sheet 1: Are we all brain? (Word)

Pupil Work Sheet 2: Brutal attack at beauty spot (Word)

Teacher Resource Sheet: Value Continuum Activity (Word)

© 2011 LASAR (Learning about Science and Religion)